


   特許 3728511 (JP), 7032458 (USA):移動式3次元構造測定装置

   特許 3735722:移動観測用一輪車

   特許 3837552 (JP), 7151247 (USA):移動式光環境測定装置


Takafumi Tanaka, Junko Yamaguchi and Yasuo Takeda, Measurement of forest canopy structure with a laser plane range-finding method — development of a measurement system and applications to real forests, Agricul. For. Meteorol.(91)3-4, 149-160, 1998.

Tanaka, T., Hattori, S. and Park, H. 2003 Distinguishing foliage from branches in the non-destructive measurement of the three-dimensional structure of mountain forest canopies. The Forestry Chronicle, 79 (2), 313-317.

Tanaka, T., Hattori, S. and Park, H.. Measurement of forest canopy structure by a laser plane range-finding method. Improvement of radiative resolution and examples of its application. Agric. For Meteorol. 125. 129-142,2004


Tanaka, T., Tsuchiya, S. and Shibano, H.  Characteristics of evapotranspiration in the southwestern slope of Mt. Merapi. J. Jpn. Soc. Ero. Con. Eng. 48; 25 – 36. 1996

Shibano, H., Tanaka, T., Shuin, Y., Numamoto, S. and Sumaryono, A.  Water balance on south-west slope of Volcano Mt. Merapi. J. Jpn. Soc. Ero.  Con. Eng. 48; 47 – 65. 1996.

Hamada, S., Tanaka, T., Ohta, T. Impacts of land use and topography on the cooling effect of green areas on surrounding urban areas.Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 12(4),p.426-434, 2013

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土屋 智・田中隆文・芝野博文.土壌水分の変動から推定したメラピ火山南西山麓の地点蒸発散量.日本水文科学会誌, 25(3),93~103, 1996.

戎 信宏・小川 滋・鈴木雅一・田中隆文.表面温度法による森林斜面の蒸発散量分布の推定(I)ボーエン比法、渦相関法との比較. 水文・水資源学会誌, 10 (6), 547-556. 1997.


田中隆文:講座「蒸発散 Ⅲ.蒸発散の測定法(2)」日本水文科学会誌. 26(2);135 – 143. 1996

Tanaka, T., E. Uchida, O.-A. Siaw, Y. Takeda, and O. Tomatsu.  Effect of the lag time of sap  temperature on sap-flow measurements using the heat-balance method.  J. Jpn. For. Soc. 75,  554-557. 1993.

Tanaka, T., E. Uchida, T. Yokota, A. Hagihara and Y. Takeda.  Comparison between water absorption rate and sap-flow rate measured using the improved stem heat-balance method. J. Jpn. For. Soc. 76 : 500- 505. 1994.

Tanaka, T., E. Uchida, T. Yokota, A. Hagihara and Y. Takeda. . Estimation of transpirationflux from a forest using an improved stem heat balance method.  Proceedings of the International Symposium of Forest Hydrology,  Japan: 185-192. 1994.


Tanaka, T., J. Kataoka, Y. Takeda and O. Iida:Effect of Pore Size Distributionon Concentration of Subsurface Flow, International Symposium on Erosion, Debris Flow and Disaster Prevention, 367-372, 1985

Maeda, K.,Tanaka, T., Park, P., and Hattori, S. Spatial distribution of soil structure in a suburban forest catchment and its effect on spatio-temporal soil moisture and runoff fluctuations. J. of Hydrology, Volume 321, Issues 1-4, 30, 232-256,2006

Maeda, K., Tanaka, T., Ohta T. and Hattori, S. 2007.Discriminating residual and colluvial soils using topographic analysis in a small, forested catchment in Japan. Hydrol. Process. 21, 2144-2156

田中隆文: 表層崩壊跡地における湧水現象に関する研究. 砂防学会誌, 160, 14-22, 1989



田中隆文:斜面表層土壌の水文的特徴(Ⅰ)―不飽和定常状態における土壌塊としての透水性―,日本林学会誌,72(6),457-467, 1990

田中隆文・小野 裕・アルンシリ カムラン:斜面表層土壌の水文的特徴(Ⅱ)大型不撹乱土壌試料を用いた土壌水分移動の実験,日本林学会誌, 73(1), 11-23, 1991


Park, H., S. Hattori and T. Tanaka. Development of a numerical model for evaluating the effect of litter layer on evaporation. J. For. Res. 3: 25-33. 1998.

Park, H., S. Hattori, T. Tanaka and Gyung-Soo Cha. Seasonal variations in radiation and energy balance in a deciduous broad-leaved forest. J. For. Res. 4: 261-269. 1999.

Matsumoto, K., Ohta, T. and Tanaka, T. Dependence of stomatal conductance on leaf chlorophyll construction and meteorological variables. Agric. For. Meteorol. 132. 44-57,2005.